My journey to follow the Lord with all my heart began in the humble coal mining town of Chesapeake, West Virginia. My Dad, Winston Hargis, was a Preacher and the Pastor of the Church of God. I was born into a family that endeavored to follow the Lord with all their heart, soul, and body.

As a little girl, I was told that when the children performed, I would sing the loudest. I wanted to make sure the Lord could hear me. Throughout my Christian life, I always wanted the Lord to know how much I loved and needed Him. One day, My Mom asked me why I was so extravagant in praising and worshiping the Lord. Again, I wanted the Lord to know how much I loved Him.

My journey to follow the Lord with all my heart began in the humble coal mining town of Chesapeake, West Virginia. My Dad, Winston Hargis, was a Preacher and the Pastor of the Church of God. I was born into a family that endeavored to follow the Lord with all their heart, soul, and body.

As a little girl, I was told that when the children performed, I would sing the loudest. I wanted to make sure the Lord could hear me. Throughout my Christian life, I always wanted the Lord to know how much I loved and needed Him. One day, My Mom asked me why I was so extravagant in praising and worshiping the Lord. Again, I wanted the Lord to know how much I loved Him.

As I grew older, I learned from the scriptures that if we sin, we have an advocate with the Father and he will forgive us of all sins and cleanse us from all defilement. I learned that once we ask Jesus into our hearts, he never leaves us. I was thrilled when I learned this and it took away unholy fear from my life. Now, I served God with a holy fear of God. I learned that God would never leave me nor forsake me.

When I went through some wilderness experiences, I learned that God is with me in the valley as well as on the mountaintop. I learned from the scriptures that God would never let go of my hand. In my darkest hour, my nephew, Robert Hemphill sent me Kenneth Copeland’s series on Walking in the Supernatural, and I finally got out of that valley of depression. Praise God!

I learned that the Word is Jesus and that reading the Bible would be critical to my success in life. When my sons were in Jr. High, I typed a prayer for them to do well in school, after I learned about the scriptures that God would make them wiser than their teachers. I typed up the scriptures about the Proverbs 31 woman who walked in righteousness and holiness, and provided well for her family. Basically, I learned the power that we can have in our lives by serving and obeying the Lord.

God put a desire in me to begin to write books and share my testimony and what I have learned about following Jesus. Writing books is not an easy task, but as I walk hand in hand with Jesus and the Holy Spirit guides me all the way. I am indued with that power from on high to write these books.

God is love and God loves you and me. As I have continued my spiritual journey, I am closer than ever before to the Lord. I believe understanding the depth of God’s love for me has strengthened and encouraged me to be the best I can be and not compare myself with others.

I understand that out of my belly flows rivers of living water. As I write, rivers of living waters are flowing out to those who read my books. I am so privileged to know the voice of the Lord. I am so honored to walk in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. I am bold in the Lord and I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ. By writing these books, I am exclaiming to the world the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.


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