Morning Meditations

Looking for a quick pick-me up? Read any of these short devotions and be encouraged to go forth to a better day!

AHOY! Full Steam Ahead With Joy

This book will encourage you to continue following your dreams. You are the captain of your ship and you can move forward in being more than a conqueror in this life. You will learn the powerful role of your tongue toward reaching all of your goals.

SSSSSSSH! The Word of the Lord Shall Prevail

This book is to edify, encourage, and build up the body of Christ. My goal is that whoever reads this book will be strengthened in their faith to follow God. Yes, I pray that faith will arise in each person reading this book that God is good and God is good to them. This book contains prayers, Bible teachings, and testimonies.

“Enjoyed the authors ability to apply God’s Word to her real life experiences. Her genuine love for people, short stories, and simple prayers are encouraging and refreshing.”


Keep Your Eyes on the Prize

Staying focused on your target is easier said than done. There are key strategies in this book you can apply to any area of your life. Goals are achieved when you have zero distractions.

I liked the title and how to avoid distractions on your own purpose through out your life.

Rev. Kemper teaches us to keep pressing onward and upward as you keep your eyes on Jesus.

Kenneth K.

Fulfilling Our Purpose

This is a quick read but it offers tremendous encouragement to achieving your highest dreams. It gives you a platform for setting goals. This book is for everyone in all ages and stages of life.

Rev. Betty Kemper reminds us to set goals that will enhance our relationship with God. She recommends you write out your vision for your life and read it daily. She gives us encouraging words to remind us that God never gives up on us and He never forsakes us. God gives us the grace to fulfill our eternal destinies. A good read.

Kenneth K.

Into The Fire

This is a quick read but it offers tremendous encouragement to achieving your highest dreams. It gives you a platform for setting goals. This book is for everyone in all ages and stages of life.

Into the Fire tells us we will always come out of every fiery trial without even a smell of smoke because God is in the fire with us!

Kenneth K.

Behold! Opportunity Knocks

This inspirational book contains business and spiritual concepts from a unique biblical perspective. This shows examples and will give solutions for your pathway to the pursuit of opportunities. Quick read.

Redemption Reconciliation Righteousness Rejoicing and Refreshing

The 5 R’s is an action provoking Christian book that encourages one to rise and shine and give God all the glory. It provides keen insight into your rich inheritance in Christ. You will be built up in your faith to excel in your walk with the Lord.